The show is inspired by a real Umbrian character, a thaumaturge called Matteuccia, accused of witchcraft and condemned to be burned at the stake at the beginning of the 1400s. The fates of the characters that we follow on stage are driven by the alchemy of a witch intent on winning the heart of a young man.
Will the witchcraft be more powerful than a destiny already mapped out? Suspense and a plot twist lead the audience to a very impressive finale.
Mystery, symbolism, ancient rites... The show explores fascinating territories in accordance with ideas and theories, plots of the best of fantasy, and ancient tales.
Stilts, fireworks, theatrical machinery and aerial acrobatics are some of the 'languages' that along with theatrical techniques are used to tell the story. The artistic and performance abilities of the actors are integrated with hand made costumes of wonderful finish, lighting and soundtrack designed ad hoc - everything in order to put on a show with great visual impact capable of transporting the audience into a magical dimension.